First the bad news
The IT industry in Australia has definitely been in a slump for the
last couple of years as a result of the dotcom crash and the general
downturn in the global economy.
US and European companies with operations here have been laying off
large numbers of staff both in Australia and overseas.
The job market has become saturated due to Australian job cuts by US
and European companies and also due to overseas job cuts that have
forced many Australian IT workers to return home.
And now the good news?
The business press is starting to suggest that the IT sector is
picking up. So why do they think the slump is coming to an end?
Many companies were badly burnt by the dotcom crash and slashed IT
jobs as a result. However these companies are now realising that
technology really has been transforming the marketplace,
particularly in ebusiness.
Around the world ecommerce is "hotter than ever", at least according
to a recent Business Week cover story pointing at a market beginning
to boom. They note that "at eight years, the Web is the same age
color TV was when it turned profitable in 1962".
Last but not least, here in Australia the overall economy is
actually pretty healthy. So there are jobs to be found here -
particularly in mainstream Australian-owned companies and government

How to perform well at Australian interviews
The four Ps
Do as much research as
possible on the company and the position before you arrive. If the
company has a web site read it thoroughly. You can also learn
about the company’s products, services and growth from a variety
of publications available in public libraries. Examples include
The Business Who’s Who of Australia and Kompass
Be ready to talk about
everything that you mentioned on your resume, and refresh your
memory on the facts and figures of your last or present employer.
Rehearse answers to common questions. Be aware of any weaknesses
you have and be ready to counter them in the interview, ideally
before being questioned about them by the interviewer.
Plan what you are
going to wear, and make sure it is appropriate for position and
the company. It’s better to be too smart than too casual. Know the
exact time and place of the interview and aim to arrive 5-10
minutes early.
At the interview try
to be at ease and friendly. Be confident but not arrogant when
answering questions and look the interviewer in the eye. Be
enthusiastic about the position but don’t talk too much.
Relax, and smile!
Answers to common
Our quick "Four Ps"
guide on the right of this page has all the interview basics you
need. For answers to common questions see our selection below.
It’s very useful to
rehearse how you are going to answer common questions. Even if these
particular questions don’t come up, rehearsing will help you talk
fluently about yourself and your achievements.
1. Tell me about
This question is often
used to kick things off and let the interviewer hear you speak. Run
though your employment history (or education if you are new to the
job market) and finish up with what you’ve done most recently. You
should show how your career has progressed. Make sure you focus on
any experience relevant to the position you are applying for.
2. Why do you
want to work for us?
The interviewer wants to
know why you want to work for the company. Demonstrate that you have
done plenty of research on the company, then mention particular
characteristics and explain why they are important to you. Never say
“I just need a job” or “I want more money”.
3. Why do you
think you would be suited to this role?
This is a question about
your experience, skills and personal qualities. Make sure the
attributes you mention are relevant to the position, and don’t use
vague statements about your personality - instead use facts to back
up what you’re saying.
4. Are you happy
with your career so far?
The interviewer wants to
know if you are a positive person. Your answer must always be “yes”,
but it doesn’t hurt to add that you are keen to take your career to
the next level.
5. What do you
think your greatest achievement has been?
The interviewer wants to
know if you are an achiever. Pick an achievement that is
work-related and relatively recent. An example would be: “I
introduced a new manufacturing process ahead of schedule that saves
the company $10,000 a month.”
6. Aren't you
over-qualified for this position?
The interviewer is
worried that you‘ll get bored or perhaps even try to take over. Say
that you understand the interviewer’s concern but emphasise exactly
what attracts you to the position and explain why you would be
perfectly happy and motivated in that position. Don’t say that you
need a rest and want to slow down.
Note that if you might
be perceived as over-qualified you must address this issue at some
point in the interview, even if this question is not asked.
7. What
motivates you?
The interviewer wants to
know how self-aware you are and whether you will fit into the
organisation. Never say “money”, unless perhaps the position is a
commission-based sales role. Try to think what gets you fired up as
an employee. This might be praise, personal satisfaction, public
recognition or the respect of your colleagues. If you know what
style of management is used at the company adjust your answer
8. What is the
most difficult situation you have had to face and how did you tackle
The interviewer wants to
know what you consider difficult. To answer this outline a truly
difficult situation that wasn’t caused by you and explain how you
successfully resolved it. Don’t be negative or use language like
“nightmare” to describe the situation. Instead make it sound like a
challenge that ended with you rising to the occasion.
9. Why did you
leave (or are looking to leave) your last job?
The interviewer wants to
understand your motives. It’s important to not be negative – don’t
say that your current boss is an idiot. Good answers include changes
within the industry or organisation caused by new technology or
downsizing. Don’t mention money.
Be careful if you say
that you are looking for a bigger challenge or more responsibility
as the interviewer may worry that you get bored easily.
10. What do you
dislike about your present (or last) job?
Again, don’t be too
negative or draw attention to what might be perceived as personal
weaknesses. For example, don’t say: “My boss is badly organised and
this makes my job far too stressful.” Instead draw attention to a
feature of the company – for example, that it is very large and
bureaucratic. Don’t mention something that might be an issue at the
company you are hoping to work for.
11. What is your
greatest weakness?
This is another question
about how self-aware you are. It’s important to rehearse the answer
to this, but make sure you take a few seconds before answering the
question to show that you are not too conscious of what your
weaknesses are.
Don’t mention a flaw in
your personality. Instead mention a gap in your knowledge or skills
and then explain what you are doing to correct this. Pick an area
that is not essential to the position you are applying for.
If you have an obvious
weakness that the interviewer will be aware of, this is the perfect
opportunity to counter the objection before it is raised.
12. What is the
question you don't want me to ask?
Another nasty question.
One solution is to mention a question that the interviewer has
already asked you. Another solution is to answer with the classic
“What is your greatest weakness?” question above – and of course
have your answer ready.
13. Where do you
see yourself in five years time?
The interviewer may be
looking for one of two answers: either that you see yourself in a
more senior position or that you see yourself in a similar role. You
need to work out which is more applicable to the company’s culture.
14. What are
your salary requirements?
Try to avoid talking
about money until you are sure they want to hire you - that way you
don’t sound excessively interested in money and you will be in a
stronger negotiating position.
Don’t bring this subject
up first. It is always better if the company mentions it first
because they may name a much higher figure than you expect.
If you are asked it
early on try saying that you haven’t thought about it too much and
you’d prefer to discuss this a little further down the line. If you
are forced to give an answer suggest a range that is acceptable
within the particular industry – but try to make the range as broad
as possible.
15. Do you have
any questions?
This is a typical way to
wrap up the interview. Ask a few carefully chosen questions that
demonstrate that you done extensive research on the company. If you
have already asked these questions earlier in the interview it is
acceptable to say something along the lines of: “No thanks, I think
this discussion has given me a pretty good feel for what this job is
all about.”
If this question comes
early in the interview ask questions that will help you provide
perfect answers later on. Good examples include: “What is this
company’s style of management?” and “What are the biggest challenges
facing this company?”
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