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- Odbacen (MA15+)
- Kenedi se vraca kuci (M)
- Optimisti (MA15+)
- Sutra Ujutru (MA15+)
26-28 oktoba 2007
Entertainment Quarter
Bent Street
Moore Park NSW 1363
Tel: 02 9332 1633
2-4 novembar 2007
Chadstone Shopping Centre
1340 Dandenong Rd
Tel: (03) 9563 1988
9-11 novembar 2007
Westfield Carousel
1382 Albany Hwy
Tel: (08) 9351 2500
Hopman Cup
- Perth, 29 dec - 4 jan 2008
Djokovic i Jelena Jankovic predstavljace Srbiju na
ovogodisnjem, 20. po redu Hopman Cupu u Pertu od 29 Decembra
2007 do 4 Januara 2008. Ekipa Srbije se u svim australijskim
medijima najavljuje kao najjaca reprezentacija koja je ikada
ucestvovala na Hopman Cupu (Djokovic i Jankovic su oboje
rangirani kao treci na ATP i WTA listama), a Srbija
predstavlja kao nova teniska velesila.
1991. godine Monika Seles i Goran Prpic su osvojili Hopman Cup
za Jugoslaviju pobedivsi u finalu ekipu USA. Novak Djokovic i
Ana Ivanovic su 2005. godine osvojili sve simpatije prisutnih
predstavljajuci Srbiju i Crnu Goru na ovom prestiznom
takmicenju, a za pamcenje je ostala podrska srpske zajednice
iz Perta koja broji 11,000 ljudi i koja sasvim sigurno ni ovom
prilikom nece izostati.
zreb turnira ce biti obavljen u utorak 30 oktobra 2007 kada ce
biti poznat sastav grupa. Zanimljivo je da ce zrebu u
sluzbenom svojstvu prisustvovati Vedrana Grbovic,
proslogodisnja Miss Srbije koja inace zivi u Pertu i cija
kompanija Fresca Viva je angazovana od strane organizatora da
pruzi marketinsku podrsku Hopman Cupu.
75,000 posetilaca se ocekuje da prisustvuje ovogodisnjim
mecevima sa jos nekoliko miliona koji ce ih pratiti putem
televizije. Proslogodisnji doprinos Hopman Cupa ekonomiji
Zapadne Australije iznosio je oko $7.3miliona, a $11.40 je
zaradjeno na svaki ulozeni $1 !!!
informacija na:
Thu, 26th of
July, 7:00 PM
Sun, 05th of August, 9:40 PM
Prvi Igrani Film o Srpskoj Trupi (First movie about Serbian
An ambitious young trumpeter, Romeo, falls in love with a
freckled maiden, Juliana, whose father also happens to be a
trumpeter. The father does not approve of this love match,
unimpressed with Romeo’s “black” face. The young suitor must
stay away unless – on one condition – he can beat the father at
the Gucha Trumpet Festival.
Marko Markovic, in his debut as Romeo, lets loose in the
film’s wild musical showdown. He was a soloist and arranger in
his father’s (Boban Markovic) band, a five-time winner at the
real Gucha.
Winner of the Audience Award at this year’s Sofia Film
Festival. “Toe-tapping, tongue-in-cheek… a wickedly fun, lowbrow
spoof on Romeo and Juliet satirizing racism while it plays up a
storm.” – Variety
D/S Dusan Milic P Karl Baumgartner, Thanassis Karathanos,
Goran Radakovic, Aleksandra Milic, Josef Aichholzer, Stefan
Kitanov, Emir Kusturica WS The Match Factory L Serbian, Romany
w/English subtitles TD 35mm/2006/94mins
Last updated Jul 13, 2007
The Women's Circle
Forest Community Arts
The Lorikeet Room, Darley Rd,
Next Wednesday, 25 July 2007,
7-9:30 pm
Reconnective Healing®
The Reconnection®
Find Out What's
Baffling The Medical Community
& Attracting The Top Researchers Worldwide
Anya Petrovic
will give explanations about these healing
frequencies that are for the first time on our
planet, with live demonstrations. You will find out
how you can get healed, enhance your well-being and
your personal growth. You will also have a chance to
feel them. Discover the healing beyond anything
you’ve read about, heard about, dreamed about.
Not just because of the fascinating healing results,
but also because of the evolutionary aspect, this
modality is attracting great interest from the
researchers at hospitals and universities worldwide:
Jackson Memorial Hospital, UCLA, Cedars-Sinai, the
V.A. Hospital, Universities of Minnesota, Miami,
Arizona... Arizona University is about to publish
the results of the research undertaken.
Anya has been personally instructed by Dr.
Eric Pearl, the founder and author of a
world bestseller, The Reconnection, Heal Others,
Heal Yourself, published in 24th languages. Her
clients report healed cancers, serious heart
conditions, prostate tumors, psoriases, AIDS-related
illnesses, arthritis, spinal injuries, even birth
To listen to some testimonials,
click here.
Investment: $20 per person ($5 to tithe) includes
Bookings essential: Helen 0414
949 546 ~ Louise 0421 909 272
Looking forward to see you there!
To unsubscribe,
click here or please send an email to
click here

International Conference "Nikola Tesla -
The Man Who Lit the World",
Perth, July 2006 |
conference was held at Perth Convention Exhibition
Centre on Friday,7th of July 2006. It was an
opportunity for people
involved in science to meet, exchange information and
experiences and all that in Tesla's honour. The
conference featured many interested topics about
Nikola Tesla, and topics from modern science.
The conference program can be downloaded
It was our privilege to have Professor Jasmina Vujic
(University of California in Berkeley and Tesla
Memorial Society of New York Inc) to chair the
Conference and have a keynote speech.
Special thanks to Hon Dr Judy Edwards MLA, Honorary
Chairperson of the W.A. wide Steering Committee and
Mark de Laeter, General Manager of Western Power
(major sponsor of Tesla Celebration) who officially
opened the Conference.
Special credits for successful organization of the
Conference go to Dr Danica Cvejanovic, Dr Wally
Knezevic and Vladimir Baltic, who put the Conference
program together and ensured that all necessary
arrangements are in place. Many thanks to all
the presenters, guests, volunteers and our sponsors
that made this event possible and so successful.
For Perth
Performance Photos |
In honor of
Nikola Tesla's 150th birthday, a celebration was
held at the University of Western Australia, in
Perth, July 6th through July 10th:
July 6th -- TESLA,
performed by Frank Tabbita at the
Octagon Theatre.
July 7th -- "Nikola Tesla The Man Who Lit The
World" Conference at the Perth Convention Centre
-- Conference Agenda
July 8th -- Annual Tesla Dinner with entertainment
Milica Ilic at the Parmelia Hilton Hotel.
July 10th --
Unveiling of the
bust of Nikola Tesla at the University of Western
Australia. |
1856 Nikola Tesla was born in Smiljan
1875 Attends Polytechnic School in Graz
1882 Discovers the rotating magnetic field
1884 Becomes Edison’s associate
1887 atents non synchronizing motor
1888 Multiphase current
1889 High frequency currents
1891 Tesla became a naturalized American citizen
1894 Begins the experiments in radio technology
1898 Radio controlling of a boat model
1908 Steam and gas turbines
1917 Tesla was awarded the Edison Medal
1919 Tesla wrote My Inventions
1926 Universities of Zagreb and Belgrade awarded Tesla
honorary doctorate
1928 Material processing technology
1943 Nikola Tesla dies in New York
1950 Boksan wrote Nikola Tesla i njegovo djelo
1952 Nikola Tesla Museum founded in Belgrade
1959 Beckhard wrote Electrical Genius – Nikola Tesla
1960 SI unit of magnetic induction is tesla (T)
1961 Helen B. Walters wrote Nikola Tesla – Giant of
1975 IEEE created Nikola Tesla Award
1979 Tesla Memorial Society of New York founded
1980 Orson Wells produced the film Secret of Nikola
1981 Cheney wrote Tesla – Man Out of Time
1986 John J. O’Neil wrote Introducing Nikola Tesla
Through Some of His Achievements
2003 Australian composer Koukias wrote opera Tesla –
Lightning in his Hand
2006 Name of the airport near Belgrade is Nikola Tesla
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